Janice Bell

Janice Bell


Associate Professor Emerita

Faculty of Nursing, Emeriti

Contact information

Web presence

Phone number

Office: 403.220.4651

For media enquiries, contact

Karen Cook, Director, Communications

Office: +1.403.220.4361
Email: kcook@ucalgary.ca
Twitter: @ucalgarynursing



Janice M. Bell, RN, PhD is a nurse educator and registered psychologist who has focused her career on building capacity in nurses and other health care practitioners to care for families with competence, confidence and compassion. 

She co-developed the Illness Beliefs Model and focuses her scholarship on illness suffering, family healing, therapeutic conversations with families, family interventions in health care and family intervention research. She is the founding editor of the Journal of Family Nursing and served as a member of the faculty team of the Family Nursing Unit, University of Calgary (1986-2002) and as the Director of the Family Nursing Unit, University of Calgary (2002-2007).  She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the International Family Nursing Association.

Dr Bell currently offers workshops and consultation about practice knowledge with families to an international community of health care professionals janicembell.com.