Term 6
Chronic Illness
Focus is on chronic illness in individuals and families
- Study health trends in chronic diseases in Canada; nursing approaches to management of common chronic diseases; and examine systems of care and nursing roles and practices that are effective for chronic disease management
- Practice within the faculty and also in hospital units such as general adult medicine and surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry and cardiology

Topics you'll study
- Population health trends in chronic diseases prevalent in Canada
- Pathophysiology, diagnostic studies and nursing assessments relevant to common chronic health challenges
- Nursing therapeutics and pharmacological approaches to management of common chronic diseases
- Tertiary prevention and approaches to health education, self-management, harm reduction, support, restoration and palliation
- Supporting health transitions and quality of life through therapeutic relationships and collaborative practice models
- Examining systems of care and nursing roles and practices that are effective for chronic disease management
- Nursing practice includes on and off campus practice experiences
Course Listing for Term 6
- Nursing 495: The Discipline and Profession of Nursing IV: Understanding the Challenges of Leadership and Systems of Care (3 units)
- Nursing 497: The Science of Health IV: People Experiencing Chronic Health Challenges (3 units)
- Nursing 498: Supporting Health IV: People With Chronic Health Challenges (3 units)
- Nursing 499: Integrating Nursing Roles and Practices IV: Learning, Praxis and Scholarship in the Practicum Setting (6 units)
Location of clinical placements
- Acute care hospital nursing units
- inpatient psychiatry
- pediatrics
- general adult medicine and surgery
- cardiology
- orthopedics