Curriculum Overview
What will I study in the Bachelor of Nursing program at UCalgary?
The curriculum combines classroom and clinical experience. Course-work comprises lectures and projects with hands-on learning in the faculty’s Clinical Simulation Learning Centre and practicum placements in community care facilities.

Year One
The BScN Program is a full-time professional program. Students admitted to Year 1 must successfully complete all 11 courses as outlined prior to commencement of Year 2.
- NRSG 203- Anatomy and Physiology I
- NRSG 204 - Anatomy and Physiology II
- ACWR 303 - Academic Writing
- NRSG 201- Introduction to Nursing
- NRSG 202 - Indigenous Health Studies
- Junior Statistics Requirement (Statistics 205 recommended)
- Philosophy Requirement (Any PHIL course)
- Junior Arts Option
- Junior Science Option
- Junior Open Option
- Junior Open Option
Note: Rural Community Route students will take NRSG 202 online in the spring term, and will take all Open Options in the fall/winter terms.
Year Two
Completion of Term 5 in the Spring semester is required to progress to Year 3 in Fall semester. Due to the sequencing of the BScN courses, all students must complete the Spring term courses.
- NRSG 305 - Microbiology & Biochemistry (3 units)
- NRSG 310 - Foundations of Relationship (3 units)
- NRSG 320 - Care of the Aging Adult (1.5 units)
- NRSG 321 - Care in the Community (1.5 units)
- NRSG 350 - Care of the Aging Adult Practicum (3 units)
- NRSG 351 - Health Promotion Practicum (3 units)
- NRSG 330 - Nursing Amid Complexity (3 units)
- NRSG 331 - Pathophysiology I (3 units)
- NRSG 332 - Pharmacology I (3 units)
- NRSG 352 - Acute Care Nursing Practicum I (6 units)
- NRSG 401 - Evidence-Informed Nursing (3 units)
- NRSG 430 - Pharmacology II (3 units)
- NRSG 450 - Consolidated Practicum (6 units)
Year Three
All BScN students will complete 15 units in each of the Fall and Winter terms, however the order in which individual students complete the Year 3 courses will vary. Specific registration guidance will be provided to students.
Half of students will complete their final practicum (Term 8) in the Spring, and the other half will complete their final practicum (Term 8) in the Fall.
- NRSG 410 - Nursing as Ethical Practice (3 units)
- NRSG 420 - Heath through Collaboration (1.5 units)
- NRSG 421 - Mental Health & Illness (1.5 units)
- NRSG 501 - Nursing Leadership (3 units)
- NRSG 520 - Care in Perinatal (1.5 units)
- NRSG 521 - Care in Pediatrics (1.5 units)
- NRSG 530 - Pathophysiology II (3 units)
- NRSG 531 - Pathophysiology III (3 units)
- NRSG 550 - Acute Care Nursing Practicum II (3 units)
- NRSG 551 - Mental Health Practicum (3 units)
- NRSG 552 - Care in Perinatal Practicum (3 units)
- NRSG 553 - Care in Pediatrics Practicum (3 units)
- NRSG 510 - Resilience in Practice (3 units)
- NRSG 560 - Final Preceptorship Practicum (12 units)
Term schedule by entry route
Year One
The focus is on making you comfortable with university life through foundational studies. You take compulsory courses pivotal to your learning and future nursing practice (Anatomy and Physiology, English, Statistics and Philosophy) as well as options so you can explore your interests.
Year Two
The focus is on population health across the lifespan and in a variety of communities.
The focus is on developing your knowledge and skills with individuals and families across the lifespan in a variety of community settings.
Year Three
The focus is on individuals and families with serious health challenges and life-threatening illnesses.
The focus is on chronic illness in individuals and families.
Year Four
The focus is on integrating your classroom knowledge with your practice as well as working with concepts of leadership, research policy development and ethics.
The focus is on your transition to the role of a registered nurse. You'll spend the majority of this final term in an offsite practice setting working 1:1 with a registered nurse preceptor and your faculty advisor.