Research Data Management
Why RDM?
Research Data Management (RDM) “encompasses the processes applied throughout the lifecycle of a research project to guide the collection, documentation, storage, sharing, and preservation of research data, and allows researchers to find and access data.” (Digital Research Alliance of Canada)
What does RDM mean for me?
RDM strategies and guidelines at institutions have been developing in the last few years. Soon, RDM plans will be a requirement in research projects, including having a detailed plan for research funding applications submitted to CIHR, SSHRC, and NSERC (the Tri-Agencies).
For more information about RDM from the perspective of the Tri-Agencies, please see the Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy and the Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management.
How is RDM done?
Generally, institutions and the Tri-Agencies support the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) guiding principles for research data management and sharing of data (when possible).
Visit UCalgary’s Research Data Management webpage for information on our institution’s specific RDM strategy, grant applications that currently require RDM plans, and a variety of resources about RDM, including the “Illuminating RDM” webinar series.
The Canadian Portage Network has developed a free RDM planning tool called DMP Assistant to help you start building your data management plan. There are several “getting started” resources for you to use, including webinars. To create an RDM plan, simply answer the questions based on the details of your specific research project and the system will generate a customized document for you.
The Digital Research Alliance of Canada has created an extensive collection of training resources so that you don’t have to start your RDM plan from scratch.
See their webpage for downloadable RDM plan exemplars that you can read to see what an ideal plan looks like, depending on your subject matter.
You can also use one of their RDM plan templates to help put your specific research project into an existing format. This is sure to save you some time and keep you on track!
UCalgary has its own free data repository called PRISM that you can access as a member or employee of the university.
This UCalgary library guide has several RDM resources, including links to workshops and webinars, university-specific policies, and sample plans.