Mental Health & Wellness

UCalgary Nursing Mental Health & Wellness

To create a culture within the Faculty of Nursing that honours not just our academic and professional excellence, but also our personal wellness.

Flourishing together in a caring community

The Faculty of Nursing is a caring community that prioritizes mental health and well-being for all -- where learning and work environments support mutual respect and personal wellness within the pursuit of academic and professional excellence.

In December 2018, we formally adopted the University of Calgary Campus Mental Health Strategy: Creating a Community of Caring.

With this adoption, we are moving forward to commit to developing an emotionally safe and caring learning and working environment where Faculty of Nursing students, staff and faculty thrive.

NP mental health clinic

NP Mental Health Clinic

A nurse practitioner (NP)-led mental health and well-being clinic that offers support for nursing faculty, students and staff. 

Peer Support

At the Faculty of Nursing, our mission is to care for each other by building psychological health and safety among ourselves and the people we serve. This means that there can be heavy emotional demands in Nursing, and it can be a challenging program, and profession. Our Peer Support program aims to support our students and staff in this endeavour.

MHW Space

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

ASIST- a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first aid is being offered free of charge to all faculty, staff, and students in the Faculty of Nursing.

ASIST is the most widely used, acclaimed, and researched suicide intervention training workshop in the world. ASIST provides attendees with the training to intervene when an individual is thinking about suicide and includes life promotion and self-care for those at risk.

Featured events

Podcast: UCalgary Mindfulness

Podcast: UCalgary Mindfulness

UCalgary Mindfulness podcast presents Stepping Out of Reactivity, an eight-part mindfulness series. The practice of mindfulness is for everyone. It is a meditation practice that can reduce stress and anxiety and improve attention and creativity, supporting our daily functioning.

Our first season is led by UCalgary Nursing doctoral student Julia Imanoff, MN, RN, PNC (C) and instructor Justin Burkett BN RN, Masters Student. Brought to you by the University of Calgary’s Campus Mental Health Strategy.

Read article "Pair demystifies mindfulness — one podcast at a time"

Listen now

Mental Health & Wellness Faculty Learning Community

Co-facilitator: Dr. Jacqueline Smith and Dr. Jennifer Jackson

On December 12, 2018, the Faculty of Nursing formally adopted the University of Calgary’s Campus Mental Health Strategy: Creating a Community of Caring. In keeping with this partnership, the Mental Health & Wellness (MHW) Community of Learners will support a culture that facilitates and promotes greater collaboration and growth between undergraduate & graduate students and faculty members.

In keeping with the mission of the FON we will be resiliency informed in our effort to further the importance of Mental Health & Wellness research and evidence-informed practice through collaborative sharing, faculty-student mentorship, and quality learning opportunities. The values of the Faculty of Nursing and the guiding principles of the campus mental health strategy will anchor our work and guide the spirit of our Mental Health & Wellness Community of Learners.  


Build and sustain a community of mental health & wellness learners, researchers, scholars, and students within a collaborative learning environment of trust, inclusion, and relational inquiry.  


Develop mental health and wellness research and learning strategies through exploration and engagement in shared MH&W teaching experiences, research projects, and knowledge translation activities 


Support mentoring relationships with students to foster connection and future undergraduate MH&W honours projects 


Promote competent clinical and theoretical teaching practices that are mental health & resilience focused  


Advocate for a culture within the FON that embraces human flourishing at the individual, organizational and community levels 

Wellness Monthly Moments from UCalgary Nursing's Mental Health + Wellness Engagement Committee See the full archives

Mental Health and Wellness News

CIHR funding supports 2 UCalgary-connected projects focused on child and family development

Nicole Letourneau hopes to improve lives of women and children impacted by violence, adversity and depression

UCalgary Nursing Nurse Practitioner Mental Health & Wellness Clinic creates safe haven for faculty community

Created by nurses, for nurses and those who support them, this innovative clinic brings evidenced-based services and practices in-house at the Faculty of Nursing