Alumni Connections
Past issues

Spring 2019
Celebrating 50 Years of Nursing
Alumni profile - Justin Burkett, BN'14
Mother-daughter team up to develop health-care leaders
Meet our new dean Dr. Sandra Davidson
Stackable Certificate MN Program set to launch

Spring 2018
From Obstetrics to Indigenous Education
Heather Bensler, BN'96, takes an unconventional career path
Nursing alumni give back
Caring for the Caregivers
5 Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Nurses

Fall 2017
Barb Shellian, BN'79, MN'83
They Smell like Sheep: How we call can be leaders
Schumacher Lecture features visionary nurse
Alumni Nilufer Hasanova
NurseMentor pilot proram goes live
Strategic plan launched
Alumni Luncheon Celebrated
Tweets from Alumni

Spring/Summer 2017
Arsheen Dhalla, BN'10
Nursing expertise with global impact
Alumni Luncheon is 25
New MN/MBA program launches this fall
Gift creates lasting legacy
Class Notes

Fall/Winter 2016-17
Lorna Estabrooks, MN'97, NP'09
2016 Marguerite Schumacher Memorial Alumni Lecture
Class of 1976 celebrates 40 years
Bursary recipient gets ride of his life
What makes a leader?
We honour Judy Hanson
Want to help the future generation of nurses?
Make an impact on a student's life

Fall/Winter 2015-16
Bonnie Johnston, BN'75
Hope, help and healing: One child at a time
Alumna Makes a Difference
Across Canada in 80 Days
Reconnecting after 10 years
Alumni help Calgary homeless

Fall/Winter 2014
Jo-Ann Hnatiuk, MN'01
From battlefield to backcountry
Just the Stats
One Nurse's Journey
First Class Affair
Then and Now
Distinguished Alumni Update
Breakfast Series