
Adapt and align, contribute to and streamline processes within the academy  

Establishing efficient systems and clear pathways that facilitate shared goals, we understand UCalgary goals will inform UCalgary Nursing goals as some of the internal processes will not be in our direct control  

goal 4


  • Reduce the time it takes to access support and services within the faculty    

  • Streamline and socialize best practices for support and services in the faculty   

  • Enhance and optimize our processes through the use of technology  

Students in computer lab

170 UCalgary nursing students get Connect Care training

UCalgary Nursing’s partnership with Faculty of Arts and Alberta Health Services streamlines delivery of electronic health records system training for students in pilot project

Read more


  1. Review operations and advising support to align with Student Services and Faculty of Graduate Studies processes including recruitment and admission processes and conversion practices  
  2. Review current Nursing Research Office processes and procedures with a view to optimizing and expanding the supports and services offered in support of nursing research and innovation  
  3. Streamline the awards nomination process  
  4. Streamline graduate processes including supervisory processes, exam requests and funding
pattern 5
  1. Review, update and rename policy and procedures (to be called regulations)  
  2. Streamline our supports for Indigenous students through improved processes and communications  
  3. Leverage artificial intelligence and technology to streamline processes  
  4. Develop new HR procedures including streamlining onboarding/offboarding of faculty and staff and, in conjunction with HR Academic, adopt new hiring processes 
pattern 2