Year in Review 2020-21
Report to Community
Research and Scholarship
We lead the generation of research and scholarship to improve and innovate nursing education, health outcomes and systems transformation.

Top 20 Journals*
Journal Title | # Peer Reviewed Articles (2010-2020) |
Journal of Applied Hermenuetics | 32 |
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth | 20 |
PLos ONE | 16 |
Journal of Gerontological Nursing | 15 |
BMJ Open | 14 |
Journal of Family Nursing | 14 |
Journal of Clinical Nursing | 13 |
Journal of Advanced Nursing | 12 |
Journal of Pediatric Nursing | 12 |
Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing | 12 |
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research | 11 |
Maternal and Child Health Journal | 11 |
International Journal of Nursing Studies | 10 |
Journal of Affective Disorders | 10 |
Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing | 10 |
Journal of Research in Nursing | 9 |
Systematic Reviews | 9 |
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health | 8 |
Journal of World-Systems Research | 8 |
The International Journal of Qualitiative Methods | 7 |
*Sources:JAH and Scopus/SciVal
Quality and Breadth of Learning
We deliver resiliency-informed experiential programs that develop the future leaders and innovators of the discipline and nursing practice.

Community Engagement
We engage with local and global communities to develop sustainable relationships for mutual benefit and increased resiliency.

The 2021-2022 Report to Community was created by the UCalgary Nursing Advancement Team. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us.