Report to Community 2020-21

Year in Review 2020-21

Report to Community

RTC 2021 Dean's Message

Dean's Message

This past year had been unprecedented in so many ways. Many of the long-held assumptions about work and learning have been challenged and/or debunked as a result of the pandemic. New ways of being and connecting have taken shape and we have embraced technology in ways that seemed unfathomable just a short time ago. In many ways technology has been a lifeline: for maintaining relationships; continuing to learn and grow; and for communicating the rapidly evolving evidence around COVID-19.

As Dean, I am so very proud of our students, staff and faculty for their many contributions to fighting this pandemic: our students participating in COVID-19 vaccination clinics and embracing new clinical learning opportunities; our staff who were dedicated to supporting our learners, educators and researchers in creative new ways; or our clinical, lab and theory nurse educators who, through nimbleness, ingenuity and sometimes sheer determination, ensured our students continued to learn and grow. Add in our researchers who saw the pandemic as the spark for asking compelling new questions and adapting ongoing research in ways that solve societal and clinical challenges heightened by the pandemic.

What is most striking to me over this past year is the impact that ALL nurses have on the health and wellbeing of our communities. Collectively, nurses have delivered a tour de force in health care. I hope you enjoy reading our 2020-2021 Report to Community and celebrating the achievements and contributions of our Faculty of Nursing. Onward.

Dr. Sandra Davidson, PhD
Dean, UCalgary Nursing

Research and Scholarship

We lead the generation of research and scholarship to improve and innovate nursing education, health outcomes and systems transformation. 

UCalgary’s Peak Scholars in COVID-19 Innovation Excellence

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UCalgary nurse researchers are powerhouses driving innovation

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UCalgary Nursing Research Revenue 2020-2021
UCalgary Nursing Peer Reviewed Publications

Top 20 Journals*

Journal Title # Peer Reviewed Articles (2010-2020)
Journal of Applied Hermenuetics 32
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 20
PLos ONE 16
Journal of Gerontological Nursing 15
BMJ Open 14
Journal of Family Nursing 14
Journal of Clinical Nursing 13
Journal of Advanced Nursing 12
Journal of Pediatric Nursing 12
Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 12
Canadian Journal of Nursing Research 11
Maternal and Child Health Journal 11
International Journal of Nursing Studies 10
Journal of Affective Disorders 10
Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing 10
Journal of Research in Nursing 9
Systematic Reviews 9
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 8
Journal of World-Systems Research 8
The International Journal of Qualitiative Methods 7

*Sources:JAH and Scopus/SciVal

Quality and Breadth of Learning

We deliver resiliency-informed experiential programs that develop the future leaders and innovators of the discipline and nursing practice. 

UCalgary Nursing Undergraduate and Graduate By the Numbers

Community Engagement

We engage with local and global communities to develop sustainable relationships for mutual benefit and increased resiliency.

Nurses champion resiliency, vulnerability and learning

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UCalgary Nursing Donations By the Numbers

The 2021-2022  Report to Community was created by the UCalgary Nursing Advancement Team. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us.