Report to Community 2021-2022

Year in Review 2021-2022

Report to Community

Dean's Message

Research and Scholarship

We lead the generation of research and scholarship to improve and innovate nursing education, health outcomes and systems transformation. 

Research Revenue 2022

Source: UCalgary Research Services Office

FoN Presentations & Publications

Period: April 2021 - March 2022

Source: Faculty self-reported numbers

International 51
National 55
Provincial  34
Invited-International 19
Invited-Provincial/National 70
Other papers 6
Chapters 13
Books 2
Peer-reviewed journal articles 174


Quality and Breadth of Learning

We deliver resiliency-informed experiential programs that develop the future leaders and innovators of the discipline and nursing practice. 

Nursing students empower Yazidi refugees through community health nursing project

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Survey finds lack of knowledge among UCalgary students about harm reduction resources on campus

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Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

Community Engagement

We engage with local and global communities to develop sustainable relationships for mutual benefit and increased resiliency.

How we are engaging our alumni

We continue to grow our alumni and donor engagement by creating sustainable connections with this community of stakeholders. 


Our highly successful NurseMentor program began its fifth year. It matches alumni mentors with undergraduate mentees. For 2021-2022, there were a total of 237 participants (111 mentees, 126 mentors) and two virtual events were held allowing mentors and mentees to share their experiences in a collective space.    

Alumni Committee

In spite of COVID, our 15-member Alumni Committee met monthly (via Zoom), capably steered by president Arielle Baldasare (BN’18) and vice president MJ Calungcaguin (BN’17), both long-standing members of the committee. Social media accounts were restarted on Instagram (990 followers) and Facebook (136 followers) with two “selfie challenge” contests on Instagram to increase engagement.  

UCalgary Nursing Food for Thought Breakfast series

The Nursing Advancement Team continued to offer the UCalgary Nursing Food for Thought Breakfast series virtually with two events (November 2021, February 2022) focused on more technological/digital aspects of nursing and nursing research.  The talks – Dr. Reed Ferber’s “The role of wearable technology in health care” and Dr. Tracie Risling’s “#NurseTwitter needs you now: How social media will influence the future of nursing” were each attended by almost 100 guests who enjoyed the non-traditional topics.

Marguerite Schumacher Memorial Alumni Lecture

UCalgary Nursing’s flagship alumni event, the annual Marguerite Schumacher Memorial Alumni Lecture, hosted a panel for our eighth year. "Bringing Global Health Home," emceed and moderated by alumna and instructor Heather Bensler (BN’97), was held virtually, allowing Arsheen Dhalla (BN’10) to participate from Tanzania, as well as Masira Baloch (BN’10) and Jaqueline Wilson (BN’18) from Calgary. The event, held in October, was part of the newly rebranded Alumni All-Access (formerly Alumni Weekend).  

Pinning Ceremony

For the first time in two years, we celebrated our newest alumni with an in-person pinning ceremony during June’s convocation week. To minimize risk, we did not hold a formal ceremony, but offered up music, goodie bags, refreshments and of course, the nursing pins. Along with their family and friends, 52 of our graduands staged their “pinning moment” at our specially designated photo area within the Professional Faculties Building; for many students, it was the first time they had met their classmates in person. 

Donor Highlights

Donor support continued despite turbulent times

Although we saw a decrease in total gift amount and number of gifts in 2021 – 2022, we still enjoyed a substantial increase in scholarships and bursaries - from $17,595 in 2020-2021 to $342,695 this year. Our Power in Numbers student emergency fund continues to support an important program for nursing students who require temporary financial assistance.  This year, the fund provided 22 students with support during the challenging times of the pandemic. 

We are very grateful to our community of donors for their continued gifts in our priority areas of Indigenous Initiatives, Mental Health and Wellness, and Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA). This includes a new endowment created to support an EDIA graduate scholarship for DN and PhD students.

Donations made between July 2021 and June 2022

Donations made between July 2021 and June 2022

The 2021-2022  Report to Community was created by the UCalgary Nursing Advancement Team. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us.