Participant Recruitment
Explore recruitment strategies and create effective recruiting materials.
How do I earn a badge or meta-badge?
To earn a badge, you must attend 90%+ of the workshop session(s) and receive 85%+ on the assignment(s).
To earn the Participant Recruitment meta-badge, you must earn both of the badges below and receive 85%+ on a summary assignment.
Participant Recruitment Strategies
Learn effective strategies for recruiting different types of research participants (e.g. patients, healthcare workers, students, general public). Examine different recruiting modes (e.g. email, social media, posters), how to gain access to participants (e.g. via intermediaries), and specific guidelines for recruiting from Alberta Health Services. Collaboratively develop recruiting strategies for several case-scenarios
Developing Recruitment Materials
Explore best practices for an array of recruitment materials (e.g., posters, e-mails, letters of initial contact, business cards, etc.) and practice creating targeted materials for several research projects.
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