Scholarly Writing
Get hands-on experience with EndNote and hone your scholarly writing skills.
How do I earn a badge or meta-badge?
To earn a badge, you must attend 90%+ of the workshop session(s) and receive 85%+ on the assignment(s).
To earn the Scholarly Writing meta-badge, you must earn all of the badges below and receive 85%+ on a summary assignment.
EndNote Fundamentals
Learn how to manage your references with EndNote bibliographic software and practice creating a library, finding full text articles and inserting references into your writing.
Scholarly Writing I
Explore what good scholarly writing entails, regardless of genre, and gain practical skills in recognizing and constructing coherent texts that will get the message across while engaging the audience.
Scholarly Writing II
Learn what goes into writing a good introduction and discussion to bookend the argument in a research paper. Gain practical skills in creating a logical structure for an introduction and review the various ways to write a discussion that will properly mirror the introduction and conclude the paper.
ReDI workshops on Zoom!