Research and Scholarship

Research and Scholarship

Where we are

  • Consistent and positive growth in nursing research and research capacity
  • First Canada Research Chair in Spring 2020
  • Multiple research chairs and professorships
  • Strategic refocusing and value on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and educational research
  • Top 5 in research among nurse education schools (Maclean’s 2019 rankings)
  • Pre- and post-award infrastructure/support (UCalgary Nursing Research Office)
  • Community-engaged research and scholarship

Where we are going

  • Enhancing adjunct and community partner relationships
  • Making strategic hires in emerging priority areas to build bench strength and critical mass
  • Developing criteria and pathways for teaching professors
  • Developing leaders and innovators at the doctoral level by offering two terminal degree pathways (DN and PhD)
  • Developing nurse leaders in entrepreneurial thinking and social innovation
  • Increasing focus and building capacity for knowledge translation/mobilization and implementation science

How we will get there

  • Acquiring sustained funding to support research activity including increased endowments and donor funds; increased tri-council funding; matching/leveraging funds and partnership grants; potential contract work with agencies and health systems that align with our areas of strength
  • Fostering researcher development through ReDI (Researcher Development Initiative): applied research workshops with micro-credentials for faculty, staff, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows
  • Recruiting and retaining a diverse community of faculty and students who help us strike a balance of research and scholarship excellence; fit with our faculty culture; match our areas of strength; and build on momentum to achieve research excellence

Living the Plan - Research and Scholarship

Newly funded CIHR project aims at mentoring solutions for retaining nursing workforce

UCalgary Nursing researcher Tracie Risling and Alberta Health Services leaders co-lead study-focused ways to stabilize and support more sustainable nursing workforce

UCalgary Nursing brings large contingent to Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing conference

Faculty of Nursing presentations at the 2024 CASN Biennial Canadian Nursing Education Conference May 27-28