Term 4
Family Nursing
Focus is on developing your knowledge and skills with individuals and families across the lifespan in a variety of community settings
- Study risks and challenges to family health; common health issues confronting families; the impact of mental illness
- Be introduced to nursing research projects
- Practice within the faculty and also in a variety of placements including public health clinics, outpatient children’s clinics, mental health residential services and residential care settings

Topics you'll study
- Family systems assessment of risks and challenges to family health
- Family interviewing and communication skills
- Family nursing interventions to manage and prevent common health risks and challenges
- Collaborating with family members as partners in shared decision-making
- Inter-professional practice for collaborative care
- Common population health issues confronting families over a lifespan
- early family life, parenting and childhood health
- impact of mental illness
- coping with seniors’ health and aging parents
- Evidence-based practice
- Introduction to nursing research and conceptual models of nursing that guides practice with families
- Nursing practice includes on and off campus practice experiences
Course Listing for Term 4
- Nursing 385: The Discipline and Profession of Nursing II: Inter-Professional Practice and Professional Accountability (3 units)
- Nursing 387: The Science of Health II: Families in Transition (3 units)
- Nursing 388: Supporting Health II: Families in Transition (3 units)
- Nursing 389: Integrating Nursing Roles and Practices II: Learning, Praxis and Scholarship in the Practicum Setting (6 units)
Location of clinical placements
- Community clinics and care centres
- public health clinics
- outpatient clinics for children
- primary care networks
- mental health residential services
- older adult programs and services