IPE for Faculty

Why IPE?

  • IPE gives students the opportunity to practice working within a collaborative health team and guidelines on how these can be integrated into future practice.
  • IPE is proven to improve patient care outcomes, student autonomy, collaboration and communication skills, and understanding of role clarity.
  • IPE also helps students connect theoretical principles into practical applications. An example is the Kolb learning model.

How can I integrate into my course?

  • Integrating IPE can be challenging, often because of organizational level factors. Having a clear understanding of how to integrate it into teaching and learning can help to address barriers.
  • Studies also show that when offered it is often in the final year of nursing programs despite clear evidence that inclusion early in the curriculum is highly associated with positive student experience with students indicating they felt IPE helped prepare them for clinical practice.
  • Additionally, early inclusion in nursing curriculum increases understanding of course materials with one study indicating the need for IPE curriculum to be developed early and linked to competencies and theoretical learning objectives.
  • Examples of IPE integration include focus group interviews, case studies, simulation experiences, online group discussions, and problem-based learning.

Additional Reading

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